Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pinterest Challenge #5

Ello lovelies!

It is time for another Pinterest Challenge post. Featured this week is...

Yarn wrapped letter

Source: via Courtney on Pinterest

Yeah I know, it's another letter craft. But did I mention I got a killer deal on the letter blocks, and this is so darn cute!

Here is my version

Once again another winner in my book! But let me tell you these little things are tricky. Getting around those curves and edges were a pain and it took me two times to figure it out, but none the less it was still a good Sunday craft.

Until next time <3


  1. That looks great. I agree it was probably trick going around the edges. I have so much left over yarn I could probably pull this off! What a great project.

    I've got a giveaway going on over at my blog!

  2. That turned out really cute!

    Visiting from Vintage Wanna Bee!

  3. How cute! Love it! I would LOVE if you stopped by and linked it up to my new linky party!!


  4. Really fun. I love the yellow yarn & you did a great job.

    Warmly, Michelle

  5. That is too cute! I love actually doing things that I have pinned! Go you!

  6. Love this! Come over and link it to my Wednesday Pinterest favorites party tomorrow!

  7. Cute stuff! I'm loving your Pinterest inspired posts! :) I'm a new follower from the blog hop! :) I can't wait to read more! :) xo, Reannah

  8. Very cute! I made a yarn wrapped cardboard wreath one time so I KNOW what you are talking about when you say it's tricky! I had planned to do one for each child in Children's Church to decorate, but I ended up spray painting the kids!

  9. Thanks for sharing. If you don't mind, I am going to link up your other Pin Challenges. ;-) Hope you come back next week to link up again. Would love if you could share the button too! Thanks. This is the first week and hoping to spread the news.

  10. I love this! Definitely going on my to do list!

  11. That looks so cute! I definitely want to do this sometime in the future. Such a cute craft :)

    Stopping by from My Favorite Finds

  12. Yay! Thanks for linking up! I am featuring this on Thursday from last week's party. Congratulations.

  13. This looks great and I bet the curves were tricky. I want to do the word FAMILY but I think it might be too painful. Thanks for the inspiration :)
