Monday, March 26, 2012

Pinterest Challenge #11

Hello lovelies! It has been quite awhile since my last post. What have I been doing you ask? Well I opened up an Etsy shop! You can find it ---> Here

I also was in my first craft fair with my friend Brittinay {you can find her shop ---> Here}. It was small and nothing to spectacular, but it was a good experience.

On a not so good note I spilled honey ALL over my computer! Yikes! So what normally takes me 5 minutes to type takes me 15. Well looks like I will be buying a new computer soon ;)

But don't worry on my blogging time out I still completed at least one Pinterest challenge! So here it is...

The Inspiration

The Finished Product

Ummm can you say YUM! So this isn't the first time I have made this and this one is a bit different. I made a mexican style version and put salsa verde and some greek yogurt on the side. So good and healthy (minus the melted cheese). I am now making this at least once a week! Truly a must try.

Until next time <3


  1. Ouch about the honey! It is one thing to be "stuck" to your computer all day, but your situation brings it to a whole new level! :D

  2. Yum! I think these look so awesome! Thanks for sharing at Handmade Tuesdays.

  3. Yum! I love stuffed peppers! :)
